Modern MSK Lumbar / Sacral Management Course
This course will review safety, theoretical knowledge, and clinical reasoning required for novice practitioner to safely and effectively practice manual therapy and manipulations of the lumbar spine and sacrum. This course involves a 4- week on-line distance-learning program followed by a practical, in-person course. Participants will be required to complete quizzes throughout the online course and must achieve a passing grade of 80 percent higher on all quizzes in order to attend the in-class component. The in-class component will focus on the clinical reasoning and motor learning required to effectively integrate manual physical therapy examination and intervention techniques into the clinical management of these individuals. Specifically, participants will have a chance to see, be instructed in, and be examined on each manipulation taught.
• Describe the safety considerations for lumbar and scaral manipulation
• Identify the indications for mobilization & manipulation of the lumbar spine and sacrum.
• Demonstrate the motor skills to effectively perform lumbar and sacral mobilization and manipulation
Darcy Doyle PT., M.Sc.PT., D.P.T, F.C.A.M.P.T., B.Kin., CAFCI
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (F.C.A.M.P.T.)
Cert. Gunn IMS and Acupuncture
Trisha Novak PT., M.Sc.PT., F.C.A.M.P.T., B.Kin.
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (F.C.A.M.P.T.)
Cert. Gunn IMS Practitioner
Rob Werstine PT, BSc, BA, MSc, DPT, Sport Dip., FCAMPT
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (F.C.A.M.P.T.)
Jack Miller PT., B.Sc.PT., M.ClSc., D.P.T, F.C.A.M.P.T.,
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy