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Meet Alberta’s Physiotherapists

We’ve got
your back

And your knee. Your stubborn frozen shoulder, your ability to touch your toes and the next level in your tennis serve.

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Complete your wellness team with the right physiotherapist.

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Regain Control. Recover Fully. Reach Peak Performance.

Physiotherapy goes beyond healing. It’s about taking control of your health, bouncing back from setbacks, and soaring to new fitness heights. Physiotherapy is not only managing injuries. It’s your secret weapon for preventing them. Improve and prolong your physical abilities, and get the most out of life.

It’s your personal coach on your unique health journey. Helping kids and teens grow strong and healthy and keeping seniors moving freely and living independently.

We’re not about just fixing what’s broken. We’re empowering you to live your life to the fullest, regardless of age or condition.

Physiotherapy Is For Everyone

Don't Just Recover From Surgery - Excel After It

Your path to a swift, smooth recovery.

Undergoing surgery can have an immense impact on your life. It disrupts your routine, brings unexpected challenges, and comes with its own set of fears. Suddenly, simple tasks like bathing, dressing, or preparing a meal become difficult.

Your body is vulnerable, trying to heal, but your mind is frantic with worry. How long will I be out of work? When will I feel like myself again? Will I be able to keep doing the things I love? That’s when physiotherapy steps in. Not just as an aid but as a crucial component of your recovery journey.

Your physiotherapist will create a personalized plan to optimize your body’s healing potential.

From post-operative patient to empowered individual. With your physiotherapist's support.

You’ll feel your strength and confidence grow. Activities that once felt impossible post-surgery will become achievable again. Climbing the stairs, reaching for that top shelf, or walking your dog will no longer be chores but evidence of your remarkable recovery.

But we don’t stop there. Our goal is not only to help you regain what you lost due to surgery. We want to empower you to achieve even more.

The journey from post-operative recovery to a full, active life is challenging, but with physiotherapy, you’re not alone. You’re backed by a team dedicated to seeing you thrive beyond recovery, finding new strengths you never knew you had.

Growing Bodies, Flourishing Futures

Helping your child reach their full potential.

Childhood and teenage years are rife with growth and discovery. And sometimes, they’re riddled with physical challenges. Growing pains, sports injuries, burns, breaks, or developmental conditions can affect your child’s ability to play, learn, and explore their world.

Watching your child struggle with these challenges can be heart-wrenching. You want to do everything you can to help them, but you need help figuring out where to start. That’s when physiotherapy can step in. Your physiotherapist can provide expert guidance and tailored treatment plans to meet your child’s needs.

Physiotherapists understand the unique physical and developmental needs of children and teenagers.

Turning hurdles into stepping stones.

With physiotherapy, your child won’t just overcome physical obstacles – they’ll use them as stepping stones to a healthier and stronger future.

Games of catch, school sports, dance routines, meeting developmental milestones – all of these will become sources of joy, not discomfort.

Physiotherapy is more than recovery. It’s about building resilience, enhancing performance, and fostering a lifelong appreciation for physical health and well-being.

As your child grows into their potential, they won’t only regain their physical capabilities. They’ll build the confidence and strength to pursue their passions without barriers.

Age Gracefully, Live Fully

Embrace your golden years with confidence.

Aging brings wisdom, memories, and cherished experiences. It can also mean physical discomfort, loss of mobility, and declining independence.

Simple pleasures like a leisurely walk in the park, getting on the floor to play with your grandchildren, or even just getting out of bed each morning and putting on socks can become increasingly challenging.

These changes can feel overwhelming and discouraging. But they don’t have to be permanent. Physiotherapy treatment can help you move better, regain flexibility, and feel healthier regardless of age.

Redefining what it means to get older.

With your physiotherapist’s help, you’ll see a difference in what your body can do. You’ll be able to do more things even as you age, breaking free from the usual limitations.

Activities you once loved but had to give up – gardening, cycling, playing with your grandchildren – will become accessible and enjoyable again.

Physiotherapy does more than help you manage your symptoms. It gives you the confidence to age gracefully, preserve your independence, and enjoy your life. You’ll not just live longer. You’ll live better.

You’re not just recovering from an accident or injury. You’re becoming stronger.

Pain shouldn’t derail your life.

Experiencing an injury or an accident can shake your world to its core. Sudden pain, limitations in movement, and an overwhelming sense of frustration and vulnerability can leave you feeling confined and helpless.

You miss the freedom of tying your shoes, taking a walk in the park, or getting a good night’s sleep without the constant reminder of your injury. It’s a daunting place to be. And it’s exactly where physiotherapy comes in to help you reclaim your life.

Your physiotherapist starts by diagnosing the root cause of your discomfort. Not just treating your symptoms.

Your physiotherapist’s mission is simple: to guide you from strain and restriction to relief and ease.

As days turn into weeks, the pain and uncertainty ruling your life will start to diminish. Those simple pleasures that seemed like distant memories – like effortlessly picking up your child or carrying your groceries – will come back within reach. 

It’s not just about returning to where you were before the injury. It’s about emerging stronger, wiser, and more resilient than before.

Your Performance, Elevated

Train smarter, play harder.

You’re no stranger to the demands and pressures of training. You’re constantly pushing your body to its limits, striving for that new personal best. The perfect swing. The fastest sprint. But when physical strain starts outweighing progress, it can be discouraging.

The burn of lactic acid, the tightness in your muscles, the nagging injuries that won’t heal – these are more than minor nuisances. They’re potential roadblocks to achieving your full athletic potential.

You need a strategy to train smarter, recover faster, and perform better. That’s where physiotherapy offers you a comprehensive approach to athletic performance and wellness.

Reach your athletic potential.

By integrating physiotherapy into your training routine, you’ll start to see a difference in your performance, recovery time, and resilience.

You’ll be able to push your boundaries, knowing you have the right strategies to manage strain, prevent injuries, and speed up recovery. The frustration of constant setbacks will give way to the thrill of consistent progress and peak performance.

In the world of sports, physiotherapy isn’t just about injury management. It’s about unlocking your full potential.

Whether you’re chasing a new record, returning to the sport you love, or want to remain active for a long time, your physiotherapist is your teammate. They empower you to perform at your best and love every minute of your game.

Caring for your companions, large and small.

Their well-being is your priority.

Your animals are more than just pets–they’re an integral part of your family. Seeing them struggle with pain, injury, or decreased performance can be heartbreaking. You want the best for them, but understanding their needs is often challenging when they can’t tell us what’s wrong.

You may notice subtle changes: perhaps your dog isn’t as eager to play fetch. Or your horse’s gait has changed. These signs are often overlooked and can indicate discomfort that they can’t express in words.

That’s where physiotherapy comes into the picture. Your physiotherapist offers a compassionate, comprehensive approach to animal care.

Helping them live fuller, healthier lives.

By integrating physiotherapy into your animal care routine, you’ll see a remarkable difference in their quality of life. Whether it’s a beloved family pet or a valued working animal, physiotherapy can help them return to a life full of activity and enjoyment.

Your horse will regain its strong, even stride. Your dog will rediscover the joy of running and playing. Your farm animals will be healthier and more productive. Every animal, big or small, deserves the chance to live their life to the fullest, and our physiotherapists are here to help make that happen.

Physiotherapy is about caring for all creatures and helping them live happy, healthy lives. From pets to livestock to athletic animals, our animal rehab specialists are committed to the well-being of your cherished companions.

Physiotherapists Are Primary Care Providers

They work alongside doctors across the entire health industry. And they have a very real impact on the health of all Albertans.

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Reduction in recovery time for patients who completed physiotherapy before knee surgery.

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Reduction in the need for prescription painkillers following physiotherapy, according to recent studies.

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People who have had physiotherapy treatment and who report significant improvement in pain and mobility.

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Percentage of Albertans who would benefit from physiotherapy.

You Have A Family Doctor.
Why Not A Family Physiotherapist?

Your wellness team is only complete with the right physiotherapist.

6 Years and 1000+ Clinical Hours

Expert Care Begins with Expert Training

Alberta’s physiotherapists are dedicated to being the best in their field. Their extensive education typically starts with a Bachelor’s degree in a health science field, followed by a two-year Master’s degree in Physiotherapy, where they study rehabilitation techniques, pain management and more.

Internationally educated physiotherapists may hold a Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy and must undergo a thorough credentialing and licensing process to practice in Alberta.

But their learning doesn’t stop there. Once in their professional roles, Alberta’s physiotherapists continue learning throughout their careers in continuing education programs. These programs, ranging from advanced rehabilitation techniques to the latest research on pain, ensure that physiotherapists stay up-to-date on medical advances.

Physiotherapists may also pursue further specialization such as sports physiotherapy, orthopedics, neurology, or pediatric care, allowing them to provide expert care to diverse patients.

With up to six years of study and over a thousand clinical hours, you can trust an Alberta physiotherapist to deliver exceptional care.

But How Much Does Physiotherapy Cost?

Accessible and Affordable Physiotherapy Care

Physiotherapy in Alberta is both accessible and affordable. Public and private physiotherapy services are widely available across the province, allowing you to choose the most suitable path for your unique circumstances.

Publicly funded physiotherapy services offer an essential avenue to care for those facing financial constraints. On the other hand, private physiotherapy practices often provide a wider range of services and shorter wait times, making it a preferred choice for many.

Understanding your options is key. Many private insurance plans cover a significant portion, if not all, of physiotherapy costs. Certain public health services in Alberta may also cover physiotherapy for qualifying conditions. Check with your insurance provider or local health office for coverage.

Pricing for physiotherapy services can vary based on the nature and duration of the treatment. 

Investing in physiotherapy is investing in your health, mobility, and overall quality of life. The value of feeling your best, performing at your peak, and enjoying life without physical limitations is immeasurable.

Stack The Health Odds In Your Favour

Your wellness team isn’t complete without the right physiotherapist. The final piece in your tailor-made health squad.

Yes, you can see a physiotherapist without a doctor’s referral. And other answers.

Definitely! Physiotherapy can prevent injuries, enhance physical fitness, and maximize athletic performance. It’s a tool for your overall wellness journey, not just a solution for injuries.

Alberta’s physiotherapists are primary care providers, so you can see a private physiotherapist without a referral. While some insurance providers may require a referral, many don’t. Physiotherapists are skilled health professionals who can assess your condition independently. However, checking your specific insurance plan is always a good idea.

Physiotherapy is incredibly versatile and can help manage and improve various conditions – from chronic diseases, post-surgery recovery, and injuries to general physical wellness. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on your situation and health history. A consultation with a physiotherapist will provide you with a personalized treatment plan tailored to your particular needs.

Many insurance plans include physiotherapy coverage, but you should verify this with your provider. Even if it’s not covered, remember that physiotherapy is an investment in preventing bigger health issues in the future.

On your first visit, you will undergo a thorough assessment of your condition and a personalized treatment plan will be developed for you. Your physiotherapist will also answer any questions and address any concerns you might have. It’s a collaborative process.

The length of treatment varies from person to person, depending on your specific condition. Physiotherapy is about more than just treating symptoms. It focuses on the root cause and helps build overall health, which can sometimes take time.

There may be some discomfort if you’re recovering from surgery or an injury, but physiotherapy should not cause severe pain. Your physiotherapist will always work within your comfort levels and can adjust your treatment plan as needed.

You can use our ‘Find a Physiotherapist’ tool on our website (coming soon!). It will connect you with qualified physiotherapists in your area based on your specific needs.

You deserve the best care. We’re here to help you find it.

Find a Physio Directory
Launching Soon!

Alberta physiotherapists and clinics, ensure you’re listed in the upcoming ‘Find a Physio’ directory. Connect with Albertans in need of your expertise. 

Already an AAP member? Log in and add your listing. 

Not a member? Not a problem. Log in with your guest account or create a guest account today.

Welcome to Your AAP Guest Dashboard

Hello and welcome to the Alberta Association of Physiotherapy (AAP) guest non-member community! You’re now part of a platform that connects you directly to Alberta’s physiotherapy professionals and clinics. Let’s get started on maximizing your presence.

Getting Started

1. Set Up Your Account Profile

Your first step is to visit the My Account page. Here, you can set up your account with a name, logo, or photo to represent you or your clinic. This profile is where you’ll manage all your listings, from job postings to professional development opportunities.

Remember, a detailed profile increases your visibility and effectiveness across the AAP community


Next, let’s ensure you’re discoverable in our ‘Find A Physio’ database (launching soon!).

  1. Get Started: Select ‘Create a Physiotherapist Listing‘ in your Guest Non-Member Dashboard and opt for the free non-member plan. Ensure your practice stands out by accurately completing your form. Be sure to complete as many of the fields as possible, including conditions treated, treatment types, languages, etc. The more information included in your listing, the more likely you are to be found by Albertans needing your services.
  2. NOTE: Please make sure you’ve added your location on the map. If you don’t want to list your physical address, you can list your postal code and primary city (or just the city). 
  3. Clinic Listings: While completing your Physiotherapist profile, you’ll have the option to link your profile to the clinics where you work. Our database already includes many clinics across Alberta, aiming for comprehensive coverage. If you’re part of multiple clinics, you can link each one to your profile for broader visibility.
    • Missing Clinic? If your clinic isn’t listed, encourage the clinic owner, director or manager to create their guest account and submit their listing. Be sure to include critical information like conditions treated, treatment types, business hours and more. 
  4. Claim an Existing Clinic: If your clinic is pre-listed, take a moment to claim it. Personalize your clinic’s profile with specialties, treatment types, business hours, logos, and photos. A robust profile increases your clinic’s visibility, helping Albertans find the right care quickly and easily. To claim and take ownership of an existing Clinic listing find and open your clinic listing, click on the ‘Claim’ button at the bottom of the listing and follow the prompts.
  5. Complete Your Listing: Submit the form and and you’ll be taken to checkout. There is no cost for creating your physiotherapy or clinic listing. Complete checkout for free and publish your listing. 

Please Note: The Find a Physio Directory is launching soon! Although the search function is currently under refinement, completing this step will ensure you’re visible in our database as soon as it goes live.


Job Board: Reach over 3,312 physiotherapists with your job postings, up for 30 days. You can renew your listing as many times as needed. To get started, Add a job board listing.

Marketplace: Utilize our marketplace to sell services or equipment, or post about available office space. Renewals available. Get started selling in the marketplace.

Professional Development Opportunities: Share your courses or workshops for 30 days, making it accessible to a wide network of professionals. Listing renewal is available. Publish your Professional Development Opportunity.

To publish your listing, follow the prompts and fill out all fields comprehensively. Paid listings will prompt you for credit card payment. Some postings may require AAP administrator review or approval before being published.


You can return to your profile at any time to update, revise, or renew your listings. Staying active and current amplifies your reach and engagement within Alberta’s physiotherapy community.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging the AAP platform to its fullest potential, connecting with a wide audience of physiotherapy professionals and clinics across Alberta.

Welcome to your AAP Member Portal

Hello and welcome to your Alberta Association of Physiotherapy (AAP) member community! You’ve taken a significant step in advancing your professional journey. We’re thrilled to have you on board.

Getting Started

1. Set Up Your Account Profile

First things, first! Your first action is to visit the ‘My Account’ page. Here, you can personalize your profile, ensuring your fellow physiotherapists and potential clients know who you are. Add your profile photo and contact information. This is the profile that will be linked to your listings (job board, marketplace, etc) as well as the community forum.

A complete profile is key to making the most of your membership.

2. Add Your 'Find A Physio' Listing

Next, let’s ensure you’re discoverable in our ‘Find A Physio’ database. Please Note: The Find a Physio Directory is launching soon! Although the search function is currently under refinement, completing this step will ensure you’re visible in our database as soon as it goes live.v89vvv9cis8 don!).

  1. Get Started: Select ‘Create a Physiotherapist Listing‘ in your AAP Member Dashboard and opt for the free member plan. Be sure to complete as many of the fields as possible, including conditions treated, treatment types, languages, etc. The more information included in your listing, the more likely you are to be found by Albertans needing your services.
  2. NOTE: Please make sure you’ve added your location on the map. If you don’t want to list your physical address, you can list your postal code and primary city (or just the city).
  3. Clinic Listings: While completing your Physiotherapist profile, you’ll have the option to link your profile to the clinics where you work. Our database already includes many clinics across Alberta, aiming for comprehensive coverage. If you’re part of multiple clinics, you can link each one to your profile for broader visibility.
    • Missing Clinic? If your clinic isn’t listed, encourage the clinic owner , director or manager to create their listing and include critical information like conditions treated, treatment types, business hours and more. If the clinic owner or manager is not an AAP member, they can still list their clinic under a guest account.
  4. Claim an Existing Clinic: If your clinic is pre-listed, take a moment to claim it. Personalize your clinic’s profile with specialties, treatment types, business hours, logos, and photos. A robust profile increases your clinic’s visibility, helping Albertans find the right care quickly and easily. To claim and take ownership of an existing Clinic listing find and open your clinic listing, click on the ‘Claim’ button at the bottom of the listing and follow the prompts.
  5. Complete Your Listing:  Submit the form and and you’ll be taken to checkout. There is no cost for creating your physiotherapy or clinic listing. Complete checkout for free and publish your listing.

Please Note: The Find a Physio Directory is launching soon! Although the search function is currently under refinement, completing this step will ensure you’re visible in our database as soon as it goes live.

Explore and Engage

Explore and engage with all the resources at your fingertips. Simply navigate between the member-exclusive pages using the menu, and remember, you can always return to the Member Dashboard by clicking ‘Member Portal’ in the header or ‘Member Dashboard’ in the website footer.

Be sure to check out:
  • Job Board: Looking for new opportunities or hiring? Post and explore job listings tailored to physiotherapy professionals.
  • Marketplace: Dive into our vibrant marketplace where you can buy, sell, or rent items relevant to our field.
  • Professional Development: Share and discover professional development opportunities, including workshops, webinars, and courses.
  • Member Discounts: Take advantage of exclusive discounts available only to AAP members.
  • Community Forum: Connect, discuss, and share insights with your peers in the AAP community forum. It’s a great place to network and stay informed about industry trends.

Keep an eye out for updates and new features that will enrich your professional life. We’re constantly working to bring you the best in physiotherapy resources, advocacy, and community connections.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we’re shaping the future of physiotherapy in Alberta. Let’s get started!

How to Use the Forum

Welcome to our Forum! This space is designed for you to engage, share, and connect with fellow physiotherapists. Here’s how you can get started with creating new topics and responding to existing ones.

Navigating the forum
  • Upon logging in, you’ll see various forums (categories) listed. These represent different areas of discussion.
  • Use the search function to find specific topics or information.
Creating a New Topic
  • Select a Forum: Click on the forum that best matches the topic you want to discuss.
  • Create a New Topic: Within the chosen forum, scroll down to the New Topic fields.
  • Enter a Title: Craft a specific and clear title for your topic.
  • Write Your Post: Share your question, insight, or information. Aim for clarity and brevity.
  • Submit Your Topic: Once you’ve composed your post, click “Submit” to publish it.
Replying to a Topic or Thread
  • Select a Topic: Navigate to the topic you wish to respond to.
  • Write Your Response: Directly compose your reply at the end of the thread.
  • Submit Your Reply: After writing your response, click “Submit” to add it to the discussion.
General Tips
  • Stay Relevant: Ensure your posts and replies are pertinent to the topic and forum category.
  • Professional Respect: Maintain a professional and respectful tone in all interactions.
  • Clear Communication: Use appropriate language for a professional physiotherapist audience.
  • Search Before Posting: Check if your topic or question has already been addressed to avoid duplication.
  • Subscribe for Notifications: You can follow certain topics to receive updates on new posts or replies.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of your fellow physiotherapists. Information shared here is confidential and should not be disseminated outside this forum.
Explore, participate, and connect! Your active involvement enriches our community and makes this forum a valuable resource for all.